Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Great evening playing Hand Knee and Foot. We were ahead for the first three hands. Then wouldn't you know it we lost the fourth hand and lost the game by 165 points. And so it goes.
Happy Card Playing

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Well, sometimes you have more than 4 people that want to play. We quite often have 7 people show up that want to play. So we do our own thing. We have a table of 4 people and a table of 3 people. Right, I said 3 people. So we just play with 3 each to his own with no pardner. It is still fun. You do have to use 7 decks or you will run out of cards. We hate to tell anyone that they have to go home so we always try to work it out that all can play. Give it a try sometime. It is just as challenging.
Oh, by the way I won this afternoon playing at a 3 person table. I was on a losing streak for a while. Glad to have a win.

Happy Card Playing